Friday, April 29, 2011

I had unprotected sex

last night. I mean, my bf and I don't use a "real type of contraception" per se; we use the "rhythm method," which works great if you KNOW how to use it. I used that and had great results, then we decided to get pregnant and I used it to get pregnant too!

After I had my baby, I've barely had 2 periods, so I need to keep track of my menstrual cycle a couple more months to have a better calculation. For now he just pulls out, but last night he didn't and I thought I was "safe".... I re-checked my calendar and turns out it was NOT a "safe" day to do it :/

This morning I went to the pharmacy to get the Plan-B Emergency Contraception. I DO NOT want to get pregnant again any time soon! I'm an idiot.

1 comment:

  1. Oh hun, it's not you're fault, it's a mistake every girl makes at least a couple of times. I should know, Im useless at remembering to take my contraception!I hope you're okay though!
